Principle of “Fairness”

Questioner: Gordon Rakita

Posted to: John Delaney, UNF President

  1. In a recent explanation for a personnel decision, the Provost cited the principle of “fairness” to the faculty member as one rational for that decision.  Will the administration initiate a review of faculty salaries with the purpose of addressing the terrible unfairness suffered by those colleagues whose salaries are compressed and inverted?
  2. I understand that the interim provost has initiated a search for a permanent associate provost. Shouldn’t this search be left to the new permanent provost once that person takes office?
  3. If we are doing the IDEA survey for the Interim Provost and [some] Dean[s], why wasn’t the Interim Associate Provost similarly evaluated?

Given the timeline for relevant responses and the availability of personnel, this question was archived without response.

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