Interim Dean Raises

Questioner: Anonymous

Posted to: Earle Traynham, Provost Academic Affairs

What is the rationale for giving the interim dean of COAS a $40,000 (approximately) raise on top of a $40,000 (approximately) less than a year earlier when he was appointed Dean of Undergraduate Studies and Associate VP for Faculty Resources? Is it really appropriate and warranted to give raises totaling $80,000 to anyone who is appointed internally–that is, without having competed in a national (market-based) search?

Response from Earle Traynham, Provost & Vice President for the Academic Affairs:

The rationale for establishing the salary for the Interim Dean of COAS at its current level is that this is, by far, the largest college at UNF, and the position is a senior level administrative position which carries a tremendous amount of responsibility. The performance expectations of the current Interim Dean are not significantly less just because he is an Interim Dean. In short, in my opinion, the salary is both warranted and appropriate. I look forward to a successful national search to identify the best person for this position.

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