Campus Police Officers

Questioner: Anonymous

Posted to: Mauricio Gonzalez, Vice President International and Student Affairs

Recently while strolling around campus, I noticed one of our police officers rolling around on an expensive Segway. Two nearby students commented “What’s wrong with a bike?” So I refer the question to you Mr. President, in this era of tight budgets, pay cuts, green-house gases, and an obesity epidemic, what’s wrong with a bike?

Written Response from Mauricio Gonzalez, Vice President for Student & International Affairs:


From: Mauricio GonzalezTo: Patrick Plumlee, President, UNF Faculty Association

Subject: Use of Segway on Campus


Below you will find the answers to the June 2011 anonymous questions regarding the use of the Segway on Campus.


Question: Recently while strolling around campus, I noticed one of our police officers rolling around on an expensive Segway. Two nearby students commented “What’s wrong with a bike?” SO I refer the question to you Mr. President. In this era of tight budgets, pay cuts, greenhouse gases, what’s wrong with a bike?


Response:TheSegway was bought in addition to the bikes about two years ago to provide a green, safe andhighlyvisiblevehicle for officers assigned to the core to quickly coverlarge areas in a short period of time. The vehiclemaneuvers betterthan a bike andoffers anelevated platform that allows the officer to see over the pedestrian traffic while on patrol in the core campus area.


Because of the maneuverability of the vehicle it also provides closer contact with our community and enhances our community policing philosophy. Since we started utilizing the Segway we have received very favorable comments and replies from the campus community because of its visibility and faster response times in the core campus area.

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