OFE webpage

Question asked anonymously via email

Question posed to Simon J. Rhodes, Provost and VP of Academic Affairs:

n looking at the Office of Faculty Enhancement webpage, it seems that the only thing that has been updated is the name of the newly announced director. The location of the OFE office has not been updated (https://www.unf.edu/ofe/Contact_OFE.aspx). The Faculty Fellows information is for Fall 2018 – Summer 2019 ( https://www.unf.edu/ofe/Faculty_Fellows.aspx). The Upcoming Events lists events for March 2019 (https://www.unf.edu/ofe/events/Upcoming_Events.aspx). The most recent version of “The Current” newsletter is from April 2018 (http://thecurrentofe.blogspot.com/). While I understand that it will take time for OFE to be up and running again after such a long period of having no director, having such outdated information on the webpage sends a message to current faculty and prospective faculty that they are not valued by the university. Can you please provide an update regarding the Office of Faculty Enhancement and the progress that has been made since the changes and new director were announced? When can faculty expect to see updated information about workshops and seminars coming from the Office of Faculty Enhancement? For example, will there be a Tenure and Promotion panel this spring? Will there be any summer workshops for faculty offered through OFE? If nothing else, can the webpage be updated? Thank you.


Answer via email from Dr. Rhodes, Provost and VP of Academic Affairs:

The office location will be announced soon and the website is in the process of being updated. There will be a Promotion and Tenure Panel in early April and the date will be announced soon. Karen has already met with the FA Faculty Enhancement Committee and CIRT and they will work together on upcoming initiatives to include new faculty orientation, support for adjuncts, and faculty mentoring. Yes, there will be workshops and seminars, and planning is underway for faculty learning communities and writing circles, in addition to other events. In the meantime, please contact her for your faculty development related needs.

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