Students on Skateboards and Bicycles

Questioner: Anonymous

Posted to:  Shari Shuman, Vice President, Administration & Finance

Students riding skateboards and bicycles on the sidewalks and breezeways near the academic buildings has created a very dangerous situation. At least once or twice a day,  I observe one of these students coming down a narrow sidewalk at full speed, weaving in and out of the pedestrians.

Yesterday, one young man rode his skateboard on a crowded sidewalk while looking at his iPhone. I often have to step aside onto the grass to avoid the possibility of being struck.

Response from the Floor by Vice President Shuman:

In the month of November, 80 students were cited for pedestrian moving violations.

Response from UNF Police Chief Frank Mackesy:

The University Police Department (UPD) does enforcement of skateboard violations on a regular and routine basis. We handle both on our own and in response to complaints. This is a problem area that UPD takes seriously and will continue to work as time permits.

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