Questioner: Anonymous
Posted to: Shari Shuman, Vice President for Administration & Finance
Where does the water come from for the irrigation of our landscaping? Is it something that we pay for? I notice sprinklers often running on days after a substantial rain and hope we are not wasting money on this.
Written Response from John Hale, Director, Physical Facilities Department:
From: Shuman, Shari
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2011 2:04 PM
To: Bush, Melissa; Lai-Chin, Fong Chuen
Subject: FW: Question from FA meeting–Dec 1
Please find the response to the question regarding irrigation of landscaping.
Please let me know if you have further questions or need additional information.
Shari Shuman
VP, Administration and Finance
University of North Florida
1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Fl 32224
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2011 11:30 AM
From: Hale, John
To: Shuman, Shari
Subject: RE: Question from FA meeting–Dec 1
We have four sources of water for irrigation: JEA reclaimed, JEA potable, wells, and surface ponds.