FSCJ and UNF Connect Program

Questioner: David Courtwright

Posted to: Earle Traynham, Interim Provost Academic Affairs

David Courtwright asked for clarification on the Connect Program Partnership with FSCJ and UNF mentioned in the Times Union this past week. How large is this program going to become? Will the students take classes? Will those classes be taught by FSCJ or UNF faculty members? At what point do the students transfer—before they get the A.A. degree? After?

Provost Traynham responded during the meeting — All students at FSCJ who meet the UNF admission standards can transfer to UNF—that is nothing new. What got the conversation going is an interest in how well UCF and Valencia College and their Connect program works, seems to be similar to how it works here. The Connect program allows students to be admitted in the summer with a lower academic profile than in the fall; the number of students in summer of 2014 and 2013 admitted with lower academic profiles; if they take less than 12 hours at UNF and then go to FSCJ in Fall and Spring, they can return as a transfer student and not count against UNF’s FTIC. If there is extra classroom space, they may have FSCJ faculty come to UNF to teach, but they doubt that that will happen as the students will likely need different courses. However, the students can stay in housing and use UNF services and facilities. They want them to keep a connection with UNF so that they can transfer back.

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