Online Campus Crime Log

March 2, 2017

Questioner: Anonymous

Posed to: Mauricio Gonzalez, Vice President of Student Affairs

Can the daily crime log, which is required to be posted, be posted online like other institutions, rather than only in the lobby of the UPD building?


Thank you for the question. The relevant state and federal laws such as the Clery Act require that crime reports be posted on-site, and further the Clery Act and Florida’s public records law require the reports be made available to anyone who requests them. Our current practices have been implemented to fully comply with those laws. As technologies and processes progress, we plan to look into the possibility of providing both on-site posting and electronic posting.

Librarian Resignations

March 2, 2017

Questioner: Anonymous

Posed to: Elizabeth Curry, Dean, UNF Library

Many faculty librarians have resigned and left the University. How is the University acknowledging this problem?


Attached is information about librarians who have left UNF. I think this should be shared with faculty as part of the answer to the question asked at the last Faculty Association meeting. I think getting information and the facts is important.

Elizabeth Curry, PhD
Dean, Thomas G. Carpenter Library
University of North Florida
1 UNF Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32224
904-620-2553 Administrative Office
904-620-2587 Direct Line

In the past three years that I have been at the UNF Library we have experienced some retirements and some changes in faculty. Of the library’s twenty faculty positions five librarians have left UNF for their own professional enhancement and personal benefit. They took positions that were promotions and/or excellent opportunities for professional development. These librarians honed their skills while at UNF, but just like other UNF faculty their salaries were at the low end of the competitive scale. Also librarians can get promotions in rank at UNF but are not eligible for tenure. There are only a few opportunities for advancement. The librarians who left were given great opportunities to develop their skills and scholarship at UNF. This resulted in their ability to enhance their careers and salaries. We wish them well in their new endeavors.
Examples of these positions include:

  1. One librarian was recruited and left UNF to become the director at the library where he started his career. Becoming a library director of a small college had been his long-time ambition. He did not have a Ph.D. so he was not eligible to be dean of UNF library.
  2. One librarian accepted a position with much more responsibility at a Research I university, with an ARL level library.
  3. One librarian moved in order to work at a prestigious presidential library with historic special collections. This was a rare opportunity for career advancement.
  4. One librarian went to a private liberal arts college to pursue her career.
  5. One librarian with technology skills accepted a position with a vendor of library software that had been his responsibility when he worked at UNF. His new position allows him to work from home and provides flexibility for his family.

In the past three years there were three faculty members who retired after long careers. This month one of the librarians who filled a retirement position resigned due to personal health issue.

The Library has been recruiting new faculty who have much to contribute to UNF. Both of the most recently hired librarians have experience working at Research I universities and they bring a high level of professionalism to the UNF library. We are continuing our recruitment.
Answer also from the floor by FA President Radha Pyati: The Provost will be holding a confidence vote for the Library Dean this spring.

Skateboarding in Parking Lots

March 2, 2017

Questioner: Pali Sen

Posed to: Shari Shuman, Vice President of Administration & Finance, and
John Hale, Assistant Vice President of Physical Facilities

One evening, I was about to make a left turn in a parking lot on the UNF campus, and two students crossed my car on rollerboards – they came out of nowhere. I had to slam on my brakes. Some students seem to use the parking lots as playgrounds. Can we get some border collies to chase these rollerboards away from the parking lots (not the students), before someone gets hurt?


Dr. Richard: Please see Dr. Gonzalez’s response below to the Faculty Association question regarding skateboarder’s. Thank you, Mary

Thank you for your question. I have consulted with Chief Mackesy, and skateboarding violations are the likely most common complaint UPD address, and UPD enforces the UNF skateboard policy regularly. When a skateboarder is caught in violation of University rules, they can receive a warning, a paying ticket, and/or a conduct referral to the Dean of Students Office. One or all of these may occur depending on the interaction at the time of the violation and if the student is a repeat offender; warnings may be issued at any time, but an officer must witness the violation to issue paying tickets and conduct referrals. However, as with all University rules violations, a professor can also issue a referral to Student Conduct should they see a violation of the skateboarding policy. It is not necessary to call the UPD to take such action

Anonymity in Faculty Association Questions

February 2, 2017

Questioner: Daniel Dinsmore

Posed to: John Delaney, President, University of North Florida and Earle Traynham, Provost & Vice President Academic Affairs

Recently there seems to be an increase in the number of anonymous questions being asked at Faculty Association. What are two strategies that the President and Provost could employ that would promote more open lines of communication between faculty and academic affairs?

Partial response from Floor from FA President Pyati:
A partial answer to this question lies within the FA Archive, in the Minutes of the Dec 1, 2016, meeting, within the President’s Report summary given by me: “His door is open to meet with any faculty member. He regularly meets with the faculty union and Faculty Association representatives through the United Faculty of Florida (UFF) Coffee with the President meetings, with the Faculty Affairs and Executive Committees of the Faculty Association, and through meetings with Chairs and Deans.”


I think the answers provided stands. Thanks.

John Delaney

Below are some of the ways that I attempt to promote open communication between my office and faculty:
– Attend department and college meetings when possible
– Attend Faculty Association meetings
– Chair of the Council of Chairs and the Faculty Association president attend the monthly Council of Deans meeting
– Meet monthly one-on-one with Faculty Association President, UFF President and Chair of the Council of Chairs
– Meet with Faculty Association Faculty Affairs and Executive Committee on a recurring basis

I have asked some AA staff (Jay, Albert, Karen) to meet with every department to discuss department priorities


Successful Sabbatical Application Information

February 2, 2017

Questioner: Anonymous

Posed to: Earle Traynham, Provost  & Vice President Academic Affairs

The Sabbatical Leave Policy in the CBA indicates that year-long (half-pay) sabbaticals “…shall be granted unless the University Administration has determined that the conditions set forth in this Section have not been met or that departmental/unit staffing considerations preclude such sabbatical from being granted.” This language seems to indicate that the criteria for faculty accessing a year-long (half-pay) sabbatical is determined by approval of the Department Chair and Dean.

Alternatively, one-semester (full-pay) sabbaticals often require a committee review, given that more applications are submitted than are offered. Could the Provost’s Office provide a report of how many applications have been received and now many applications have been awarded over the past 10 years for the one-semester (full-pay) sabbaticals, including the total number of eligible faculty each year?
Given that sabbatical leave applications for a one-semester (full-pay) option often require additional review steps (by way of a review committee) and that the applications for a one-year (half-pay) option require only the approval of the Chair and Dean, what is the rationale for having these applications due on the same day? Could the due dates be separated so as to provide faculty the option of submitting for both with full attention given to each?

The following grid provides the number of sabbatical applications and awards distributed from 2007-08 to 2017-18.


The number of awards allocated is dictated by the Collective Bargaining Agreement 24.1(b)(2): 1 sabbatical per 40 eligible faculty members. Each fall the Office of Institutional Research runs a query to determine the number of eligible faculty.

The timing of the sabbatical application is also dictated by the Collective Bargaining Agreement 24.1 (e)(1): Applications for sabbaticals to be taken during the following academic year shall be submitted by 5:00 p.m. October 15 of each year to the Office of Academic Affairs. Each application shall follow the format in Appendix I, and shall include the applicant’s name, the applicant’s college, the applicant’s department, the number of years in faculty status at the University, the dates, length and purpose of all previous sabbaticals taken, a curriculum vitae, a statement describing the program and activities to be followed while on sabbatical, relationship between proposed scholarship and instruction at UNF, the expected benefit of the sabbatical to the faculty member, to the University and the faculty member’s academic discipline, the anticipated short-term and long-term outcomes, including expected publications, from the leave, any anticipated supplementary income, and a statement that the applicant agrees to comply with the conditions of the sabbatical program as described in this article. The application (Appendix I) shall include recommendations from the applicant’s chair and dean.


If UFF agrees to a revised interpretation and allow for non-competitive sabbatical applications to be submitted at a different time from competitive sabbaticals, the Administration would accept that change.

General Counsel Risk Tolerance

January 12, 2017

Questioner: Anonymous

Posed to: Karen Stone, Vice President, General Counsel

The level of risk tolerance that UNF’s General Counsel’s office routinely functions at is much lower than at our sister universities or even R1 universities. This seemingly absolute intolerance for any risk whatsoever may protect UNF, but it results in research progress being seriously hampered as months go by waiting for a contract for acquisition of necessary material to be finalized. Why can we not come up to the level of risk tolerated by universities whose faculty’s research is not imperiled by abnormally long wait times?


Thank you for bringing this concern to my attention. We try our best to provide timely and effective assistance to all of our clients and if the current process for contract review is not meeting the needs of our research faculty then this is something that needs to be addressed. I would appreciate the opportunity to speak with any faculty or academic administrators with this concern to better understand what has occurred and more importantly to determine if steps can be taken to improve client service in this area. Please email me at or call me at 904-620-1002 so that we can meet to discuss this issue.


Matriculation Calendar

January 12, 2017

Questioner: John Anderson

Posed to: Radha Pyati, President/Designee, UNF Faculty Association

The 2016-2017 Matriculation calendar on the Faculty Association site has the withdrawal deadline for Spring 2017 as 3/27. The Calendar of Events has it as 4/7:

QA feb

Response by Megan Kuehner, Registrar:
The date moved after faculty approved pushing the w/d deadline this past term. We’ve updated the official University calendar because that is designated as the only calendar that should be posted.
The Faculty Association website Matriculation calendar is correct as of the date it was approved.

Disaster Insurance for Scientific Equipment

January 12, 2017

Questioner: Anonymous

Posed to: Shari Shuman, Vice President, Administration & Finance

Is it true that if for instance lightning were to fry a piece of scientific equipment, used either for research or teaching purposes, that the university does not possess insurance, maintenance agreements, or have a fund for repairing or replacing that item of equipment? Does not having such a backup plan mean that one’s research, and maybe even one’s career, could potentially be brought to a halt by such a loss?


Please see the response to the question regarding lightning hitting a piece of scientific equipment. Let me know if you need anything else.

UNF does have lightning coverage under contents of the property policy. Our coverage pays actual cash value for a loss which is (cost of repairs or replacement less depreciation). There is a $2,500 deductible per occurrence.

– Shari Shuman

November 2016 draft of the Course Banking Policy

January 12, 2017

Questioner: John Hatle

Posed to: Radha Pyati, President/Designee, UNF Faculty Association

I write to comment on the November 2016 draft of the Course Banking Policy. In particular, I would like to understand the motivation behind the first part of the last Exemption.

“Any independent study that has students paid as research assistants on the topic associated with the DIS…”

I have a federal grant that has dual goals of doing good science and exposing young students to real research. (Page from NIH AREA solicitation:
This exemption in the banking policy would not allow me (and others in a similar situation) to earn credits for mentoring two students on one project, with one student paid off the grant (a reward for longevity on the project) and another earning DIS credits. Training students is a major goal of the grant program, and a record of successful mentoring is vital to renewed funding. To me, prohibiting faculty to bank credit in this situation penalizes those who have been successful at attaining grants to support scholarship. And the university is still collecting tuition and fees from the DIS student.

Response from the Floor by Provost Earle Traynham:
The provision referred to in this question has been eliminated.

Responding to Faculty Association Questions

January 12, 2017

Questioner: Anonymous

Posed to: Radha Pyati, President/Designee, UNF Faculty Association

How long does the administration have to answer a question from the Faculty Association?

Answer from Radha Pyati from the floor:
There is no official deadline for submitting responses to questions. Responses are typically received 2-4 weeks after the meeting at which the questions were read. Sometimes it takes a little time for answers to be posted on the FA website. At present the only person with unanswered questions is me, the FA President, for which I am truly sorry. I am attempting to clear all my questions now.