Question asked from the floor by Dr. Beven Livingston:
I understand that you have done the evaluation of teaching and the promotion and tenure timeline, but what about the impact on our scholarly activities?
Answer from the floor by Dr. Malcom – Bjorklund, President of the United Faculty of Florida (UFF):
This is a great question and that UFF needs to look at this more closely. She added that in an earlier survey, many faculty (~77%) reported that their scholarly work has been negatively affected by COVID as they are shifting to ensuring their teaching continues to go well.
Answer from the floor by Dr. Simon Rhodes, Provost and Vice President (VP) of Academic Affairs:
while the fall MOU is under negotiations the P&T deadline (i.e., an extension process) is being worked on to help individual faculty make decisions that are good for their circumstances. This has yet to be approved by both parties for fall 2020.