Shared Governance in the Collective Bargaining Agreement

December 7, 2017

Questioner: Anonymous

Posed to: Radha Pyati, President Faculty Association, UNF President John Delaney

The UNF Faculty Association considers itself “a vital part of UNF’s shared governance structure” (UNF-FA webpage). Principles of shared governance are found in the UNF Constitution (Article III, Section 1) and shared governance is part of UNF’s new Strategic Plan (Goal III, Strategy 3). Thus it was shocking to hear an administration lawyer call it “objectionable” and a “foolish thing” that UNF-UFF proposed to include shared governance in the new collective bargaining agreement. See video: (at 11:00). Shared governance is included in the collective bargaining agreements of other universities in Florida and at universities around the country.

Why are the President and administration not supporting the inclusion of shared governance in the new collective bargaining agreement? What can be done through the UNF-FA to insure shared governance at UNF?


FA President David Fenner provided a response in writing (10/1/2018):

The Faculty Association is firmly committed to fostering and enhancing Shared Governance at UNF. We will take every opportunity both to ensure that faculty voice is heard on issues that are within the realm of governance and to partner with the administration at every opportunity.